Strategies for Improving Conceptual Understanding in Math
These workshops focus on helping students become better in applying their knowledge and retaining mathematical content. Teachers will take a deep dive into strategies that move away from teaching solely with facts and algorithms to developing a more conceptual understanding of mathematics concepts. We explore best practices and features of math instruction that promote lasting understanding and fluency, such as using manipulatives, selecting appropriate DOK levels, and hands-on active learning strategies. While these practices are foundational for grades K-8, teachers of Algebra I and Geometry will find them helpful as well.

Mathematics Assessment READY
This series of professional learning focuses on improving student assessment outcomes through the following modules: Acting On Student Data (beyond collecting); College & Career READY Test Prep: More is NOT Better; College & Career Test Prep: Improving Problem Solving; College & Career Test Prep: Improving Critical Thinking. Teachers will learn effective protocols for examining student work and how to act on student responses to inform next steps and effective instructional strategies.

Improve Mathematical Problem Solving with Literacy Integration
This series of professional learning equips Grades 3-8 and Algebra I math teachers with the tools and knowledge to create a literacy-rich mathematics classroom by facilitating discussions and enhancing lessons that improve critical thinking and problem-solving. Student performance is improved through the following modules: Writing to Learn, Using Formative Assessment to Drive Instruction, and Incorporating Strategies to Support Metacognition.

Formative Assessments that Direct Teaching and Learning Mathematics *NOT QUIZZES & TESTS
This workshop focuses on formative strategies for identifying math concepts students understand and which ones they are struggling with so teachers can adjust instruction accordingly. We explore a variety of formative assessment strategies for the math classroom and discuss how to use the data acquired to inform teaching. We also examine various ways for high-quality formative assessments to happen daily in the math classroom.

Teaching, Assessing, and Learning Cycle for Mathematics
Teachers will explore the progression of the standards in one mathematics domain in order to gain an understanding of the expectations of the Career & College Ready Standards and instructional strategies for teaching them to mastery. Teachers will analyze the differences between conceptual understanding and procedural knowledge and how to provide a balance of both. Teachers will engage in a process for planning lessons that incorporates the Standards for Mathematical Practice into instruction and building formative and summative assessments.

Enhancing the Instructional Framework for Improved Student Outcomes (All Content)
This four-part professional development focuses on four key components to include in the instructional framework, Strategically Planning & Delivering Lessons that Promote Student Engagement & Understanding. Action research has yielded that all instruction and assessment areas of the teacher evaluation are met when a thorough understanding of the "Focus 4 Instruction" is employed: Clear Learning Targets, Flexible Grouping, Formative Assessments and Higher Order Thinking Questions.

Instructional Leadership Team (ILT) for School Improvement
Work with school leaders to choose, train, and support the implementation of an ILT who will plan, launch, and sustain the improvement goals of the school. Coaching is provided for planning professional development, best practice instructional strategies, and data analysis. These goals are accomplished through supporting Admin and ILT meetings, classroom co-observations, leading professional development sessions, and recommending additional expertise.

Building Self-directed Learners Through Problem-Based Learning
This series of professional development helps teachers improve their practice of PBL. Teachers will develop a clear understanding of the components of high-quality PBL, analyze problem-based lessons for high quality, and use a common framework to plan for and create effective PBL experiences for students. Several resources will be shared to implement PBL successfully, and observation feedback is recommended as well.

Revitalize Your Algebra Instruction
Learn how to access standards-based, interactive lessons to refresh lesson plans and engage your students. In this session, Algebra teachers gain access to a collection of resources that will assist in increasing student achievement and provide lesson plans tied to the Common Core standards. Discover a variety of Algebra Web tools and apps to enhance instruction and improve student learning

Classroom Management for Active Engagement in Mathematics
Mathematics teachers will gain knowledge of Cooperative learning techniques, based on John Strebe’s methods. These techniques will transform your classroom into collaborative competitive teams, develop student leaders, eliminate cheating (seriously it does!), increase student achievement, and make every day exciting with limited effort and planning. This professional development has changed the way teachers and students "do" math.

Integrating Technology with Marzano's best Practice Instructional Strategies
Teachers will gain an understanding of how to incorporate interactive technology to effectively engage, teach, and assess students, using Marzano's high yield instructional strategies. Research based strategies will be used to gain knowledge of effective tools that aid in teaching for conceptual understanding, differentiated instruction, and formative assessment. *Identify high yield instructional strategies *Choose appropriate technology tools for teaching conceptual understanding *Choose appropriate technology tools for differentiated instruction *Choose appropriate technology tools for formative assessment.

The SAMR Technology Integration Model
Teachers will gain an understanding of this integration model, used by 21st century classroom teachers to guide them into making the small shift toward designing and implementing technology rich lessons. This model will assist in developing instruction based on a 1-to-1 computer device model or 1 computer classroom. Teachers will receive practical ideas on how to take their instruction to the next level, including beginning coding and blended learning.

Integrating Google Suites and Apps for Education with Chromebooks
Several PD sessions may be customized where teachers learn how to create engaging projects that help students understand concepts, improve creativity, and demonstrate what they know? Learn to teach students to create presentations, web pages, stories, and more using Chromebooks. Also, discover how to reinforce learning concepts with game-infused classroom activities, and explore additional Chrome Apps and Extensions for learning.

Introducing Chrome Apps and Extensions
Learn to master the world of Chrome Apps and Extensions. These helpful add-ons enhance the Chromebook experience, making it easy to increase productivity, support struggling students, go paperless, differentiate instruction, and so much more.

Additonal Services May Be Customized as Needed.........